Weekday Communion

Holy Communion is held weekly in St Ben’s on Fridays at 10am. This is a short service of about half an hour following Common Worship. Please join us then. St John’s also has a weekly Holy Communion service on Tuesdays at 10.30am.

Morning Prayer in St Ben’s and our Benefice

Come along to join us in the Office of Morning Prayer held in St Ben’s on Wednesdays at 9am. Morning Prayer is held on Tuesdays in St John’s at 9am. On Fridays, a Celtic style morning office, put together by our curate Kieron, is held in St Margaret’s Chapel, also at 9am.

Sacred Cinema at St Ben’s on Wednesday19th

Our season of Sacred Cinema continues on Wednesday 19th February with the 2014 film Calvary. “An honest and good-hearted priest wrestles with a cynical, spiteful community after he receives a death threat from an unknown parishioner. Led by a brilliant performance from Brendan Gleeson, Calvary tackles weighty issues with humour, intelligence, and sensitivity.” (Rotten Tomatoes) … [Read more…]