Terms and Conditions of Hire – the small print

By signing the booking form you are accepting the terms and conditions of hire below.

If any of these conditions is difficult for you, please indicate so in the “Comments and/or questions” box on the booking form, and the churchwardens will consider how to help.

  1. Booking: St Ben’s can reserve a date for an event which will then be secured by receipt of the completed booking form. All bookings will remain as an enquiry only until the booking form is returned. Payment in full is required 2 days prior to the event. Failure to pay the invoice in this time may result in your event being cancelled.
  2. Planning: the organisers should appoint one person to act as the main point of contact for the booking. This person will be asked to make all necessary arrangements with St Ben’s, and ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. In particular they should ensure that at the end the building is securely locked, furniture cleared and all event equipment removed. Keys must be replaced in the key safe which must be left scrambled.
  3. Lights: Please note that the spotlights on the stained glass window above the main entrance are timed to stay on all night. All other lights should be switched off.
  4. Altar: The altar area beyond the brass rail is strictly out of bounds. Groups should not remove or alter any of the permanent objects in the church apart from chairs and tables to suit the activity.
  5. Advertising/Promotion: All advertising and public promotion of the event that bears the name, logo, and any other affiliate branding of St Ben’s must be agreed in advance. Approved posters may be displayed on our Events Noticeboard – please submit to the churchwardens and they will affix. Any professional recording, filming or photography to be used commercially requires a special permit. Please inquire when you make your booking.
  6. Risk Assessment and Health and Safety: the organisers should appoint one person to be responsible for Health and Safety elements during the time they are on site. This would typically be the same individual as acting as hirer. Event organisers are not permitted to use candles, lamps, or naked flames without prior agreement. Smoking of any kind is strictly prohibited. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that they know the location of the first aid kits, fire extinguishers, emergency service contacts and the like. The event organiser is responsible for ensuring that the maximum capacity of the building is not exceeded (Maximum Capacity 100 people including performers).
  7. Safeguarding: For bookings which include anyone under the age of 18, or adults considered to be vulnerable, the event organiser will be asked to confirm that they have their own Safeguarding Policy and that all adults working with the children or vulnerable persons have been DBS checked. Event organisers should follow appropriate good practice which is for at least two responsible adults to be present.
  8. Rehearsal and concert/event timings: If rehearsals are required outside the main booking then a separate charge will be made. Events should end no later than 10pm (main door closed) to avoid disturbing our neighbours. Clearing up may continue after 10pm.
  9. Noise levels: Similar consideration for our neighbours means that amplified recorded music or loud drumming is not allowed. This does not automatically exclude the use of backing tracks in live performances. Please discuss with us to clarify if there is any doubt.
  10. Servery: Use of the servery is permitted with prior agreement. Any items used such as mugs must all be cleaned and put away after the event and the kitchen left clean.
  11. Seating arrangements: The church should be left in the same good order as you find it upon arrival. You are responsible for setting out chairs and stacking them away at the end. (Maximum 9 chairs per stack – please refer to the Putting Away Chairs info sheet at this link and also displayed on the inside of the light switch cupboard door).
  12. Staging, AV and Lighting: Event organisers may bring their own staging, lighting and AV equipment with prior agreement with the churchwardens. Additional lighting and AV equipment must not be fixed to the fabric of the church. It is the responsibility of the organiser to ensure that the electricity supply is appropriate for any equipment used, and that any equipment will not endanger, overload, or damage the electrical supply, circuits, wirings, plug sockets, or other equipment. All electrical equipment must be PAT tested.
  13. Damage, rubbish, and candles: Any damage caused by the event should be reported to the churchwardens immediately, and the cost of damage may be charged. When leaving, please ensure all rubbish is removed. Candles must always be in a suitable candle holder and never placed directly on the floor, furniture or carpets. Note that wax spilt on the stone flooring leaves indelible marks after the surface wax has been removed.
  14. Insurance: Where applicable, event organisers must ensure that they possess adequate insurance cover at the time of the event. St Ben’s may require a copy of the insurance certificate and schedule of cover.
  15. Cancellation: St Ben’s reserves the right to cancel any booking due to circumstances out of its control, or when the terms and conditions listed above have been breached. If the event organiser wishes to cancel the booking before the date of the concert or event, the following charges are normally applicable but subject to the discretion of the churchwardens depending upon the circumstances:
    • Where the reserved time gets re-booked: no charge.
    • Notice of more than two weeks: no charge.
    • Notice of between one and two weeks: 10% of the fee.
    • Notice of between one week and two days: 25% of the fee.
    • Notice of less than 48 hours: full fee.

St Ben’s reserves the right to amend or move bookings in order to fulfil its primary purpose as a place of worship. This right will not be unreasonably enforced.

Last updated on July 13th, 2024 at 06:01 pm