NOTE: our benefice is currently in vacancy.
Assistant Curate –
Revd Kieron Rowley
07572 748131Email:
Kieron trained for the Priesthood at Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxford. Prior to training for the ministry was a Virger and both Wells and Chester Cathedral. Kieron has studied Theology for over 10 years and has a keen academic interest in liturgy, sacramental, queer, and eco theologies.
Hailing from the Liberal Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church, Kieron has a heart for the traditional liturgy, monastic prayer, and meditation, and is a Novice of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis. He was ordained priest at Bath Abbey on 24th June 2023; click his picture to see it full size, taken outside Bath Abbey just after the service by Di.
Kieron lives in Glastonbury with his big dog Ezekiel and enjoys board games, DnD, reading, and all things Star Wars.

PTO to Glastonbury –
Revd Pamela Heazell
01458 833752Email:
Pamela arrived in Glastonbury in June 2017 semi-retired along with her husband Gareth. Having served her title as Curate and Vicar in suburban multicultural parishes in the Diocese of London for the best part of 17 years, moving to Glastonbury was a whole new adventure for them both.
Glastonbury Abbey was a familiar port of call for Pamela, having brought parishioners out of London on Retreat for quite a few years. Hence she visited St. John’s Church regularly before having moved here permanently. She feels very much at home in this richly diverse and friendly community. Being invited to offer her gifts of ministry alongside a very welcoming and gifted staff team, within the three churches in the Benefice, is a blessing to her. She hopes to be of service as and when required.
Gareth and Pamela have 4 grown up children and 8 grandchildren, who bring to the family two dogs, Kimi and Luna.

Reader –
Di Grenter
After 43 years of marriage, Di was recently widowed. She has three adult children. She trained to be a teacher but has spent most of her working life in retail. Di has always had a strong faith and hopes that as a Reader she can channel this through to others either by her actions, or by talking to them.
Di was licensed as a Reader on 5th October 2013.

Reader –
Philippa Chapman
Use this form to email Philippa
Philippa was born in Bristol and spent the first part of her childhood in Llandaff attending the Cathedral where she learned about many of the Celtic saints of these lands. Philippa is married to David and they have lived in Glastonbury since 1984. Glastonbury reintroduced Philippa to the Celtic Saints of her childhood. Philippa and David have two adult children, Rachel and James. Philippa is a semi-pro lyric mezzo soprano.
Philippa was licensed as a Reader in October 2015.

Benefice Administrator
Office contact details:Phone:
01458 830060Email:
Sharon joined the Benefice in 2005 and as well being the Administrator for St John’s Church & St Benedict’s Church, Glastonbury with St Mary’s Church in Meare, she is also Secretary to the Vicar.
Sharon lives in Glastonbury with her husband Mark, daughter Ella & son Louis.
Liz Pearson
07967 046672Email:
Meig Lambert-Shiels
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Helen Roper
07436 856451Email:
In the absence of specific contact details, or if more convenient for you, people can be reached by popping a note to them through the letter box in the north east door of St Ben’s (on the corner opposite the Mitre).
Last updated on January 26th, 2025 at 10:06 pm